If you are interested in me, or any of my other exploits while making fun comics, games and animation follow me:
twitter as @ powermanX <a>http://twitter.com/#!/powermanX
facebook @ powermanX or martenasarts <a>http://www.facebook.com/pages/Marte nas-Arts/108420365892112#!/pages/Marte nas-Arts/108420365892112?v=wall/
blogger@ martenas <a>http://martenas.blogspot.com/
Well thats it.
I m big into comics, anime/manga, games and 80s cartoons. I got a lot of ground to cover and plan to do something in one or all of the above. Right now working on my hyper, action, 2d sword scroller.
Its set in a medieval fantasy world, with cartoon graphics, swords, green things to kill, and silly beer fueled antics. Stay tuned :)